
“A friend in need is a friend indeed” – Quintus Ennius

Most of my posts on this blog relate to my teaching, the design industry, or my creative research. Today, I want to get a little more personal and talk about the importance of friendships and the joyful community they create. No matter what chapter of life we are in, we are likely to encounter financial obstacles, suffer broken hearts, or question our worth and place in the world. These challenges can manifest in various forms, each impacting us differently.

Financial obstacles might arise from unexpected expenses (like an AC unit going out during the Mississippi summer!), job instability, or the struggle to balance income and expenses. These issues can create a sense of insecurity and stress, making it difficult to focus on other aspects of life.

Heartbreak, whether from the end of a romantic relationship or the pining for one that never was, the loss of a loved one, or strained familial ties, can leave us feeling isolated and vulnerable. The emotional toll of such experiences can be profound, affecting our mental and physical health.

Questioning our worth and place in the world is a common struggle, especially in a society that often measures success by external achievements. We may find ourselves grappling with self-doubt, falling into the comparison trap by comparing ourselves to others by viewing their social media highlight reels, or feeling uncertain about our path in life.

In particularly challenging times, we may even find ourselves dealing with all of these issues simultaneously. The weight of these combined struggles can be overwhelming, making it difficult to see a way forward. However, it is during these times that the value of friendships and community becomes most apparent. Having a supportive network can provide comfort, encouragement, and a sense of belonging, helping us navigate life’s obstacles and find joy amidst these challenges.

Many visual artists and designers are introverted by nature and find their work as a way of communicating and expressing the difficult. This can make building a community extremely challenging. For introverted individuals, the act of reaching out and forming connections might seem daunting and something their social batteries cannot handle. Their art becomes their voice, a means to convey emotions and thoughts that they find hard to express verbally.

Despite these challenges, it’s crucial for artists and designers to seek out and cultivate friendships. Engaging with others, even in small ways, can lead to the formation of meaningful relationships. These connections can offer new perspectives, emotional support, and opportunities for collaboration. By stepping out of their comfort zones and making an effort to connect with others, introverted artists and designers can enrich their lives and create a nurturing community that fosters both personal and professional growth.

It is important to point out that I do not have this all figured out. In fact, if any of this resonates with you, it may be because I am speaking from a place of current lived experience rather than one of past study. Navigating life’s obstacles and building a supportive community is an ongoing journey for me as well. Sharing these thoughts and experiences is part of my process of understanding and growing, and I hope it can offer some comfort and insight to those who might be facing similar challenges.

Friendships can significantly enhance our mood and productivity. When we share our lives with friends, we experience a sense of connection and belonging that can lift our spirits, alleviate feelings of loneliness, and help to settle our anxiety. Friends provide a source of emotional support, offering empathy and understanding during tough times like the ones listed above. This emotional lift can lead to improved mental health, reducing stress and… create happiness.

Moreover, having a group of solid friends can boost our productivity. Engaging with this supportive network can lead to increased motivation and inspiration, especially when you have the ability to collaborate and spitball ideas. Friends can offer valuable feedback, encouragement, add new ideas or perspectives, which can be particularly beneficial for creative professionals. Collaborative efforts with friends can result in more innovative and refined work, as different perspectives come together to solve problems and generate new concepts.

Check out my digital art portfolio page to see some of the great collaborations I have been a part of. Click Here!

Additionally, friends can help us stay accountable to our vision. When we share our aspirations with friends, we create a sense of responsibility to follow through on our commitments. This accountability can drive us to stay focused and work diligently toward our dreams. In a professional context, friends can act as mentors or collaborators, providing guidance and assistance that can enhance our skills and career growth.

In essence, friendships enrich our lives in many ways, contributing to both our personal well-being and professional success. By fostering and maintaining these connections, we not only enhance our mood but also create a supportive environment that promotes productivity and growth. Which all makes friendships nearly seem as a tool of the divine.

I rarely discuss my faith in this blog setting, but those who know me personally are aware that my faith plays a significant role in my life. It serves as a foundation that helps me navigate through those challenges listed above. My faith provides a sense of purpose and a community of like-minded individuals who offer spiritual and emotional support. This aspect of my life is deeply intertwined with my approach to friendships and community. I believe that God works through the friends He places in our lives, using them as instruments of His love and guidance. These friendships can provide us with the wisdom, encouragement, and comfort we need. Having a spiritual connection can further enhance the strength and depth of our relationships, providing an additional layer of support and understanding that is rooted in faith.

So, in closing, let me say to all you artists and designers out there: Take a moment and text your friends or go to the local coffee shop and make a few. Grow yourself by growing your network and strengthen yourself by strengthening your connections. Friendships are not just a luxury; they are essential for personal and professional development.

Now to finish this off let me say: Thank you friends, for always being there.