Well, 2024 came and went, didn’t it? As we stumble into 2025, it’s time for a little look back. Spoiler alert, last year was a wild mix of creativity, growth, and a…
Student Work
It has been an incredibly busy summer, and I plan to make a post toward the end of August to discuss all the creative research, client work, and other happenings in my…
Inspiration and the Modern Pilgrimage
Inspiration and motivation dominate my conversations with fellow designers and design educators these days. As a design educator, I frequently emphasize to my students the importance of breaking away from the computer…
Things in motion.
Just about any place there are eyes, there is graphic design. You walk into a store and there is signage, packaging, advertising etc. You drive down the street and there are billboards,…
Outstanding Student Outcomes
Universities love to use the end of the year faculty evaluation form as a measurement for success. Though it can be a guide to understanding how students are responding to a faculty…
The Rise of the Red Herrings
C O V I D. Oh, how much I hate even having to type those letters in that sequence. I despise having to spell that word again. Don’t worry this post isn’t…
Unconventional Play
What does it mean to be unconventional? The definition means to simply not conform to what is generally done or believed. In design nearly every student and young design professional attempts to…
Students that Rock
I’m not an easy teacher. I push, and I push hard. If you have visited my website before or have seen me present at conferences you may have read up on my…
rev·el·ry | \ ˈre-vəl-rē \ reveling; boisterous festivity; noisy partying or merrymaking For the past three years the School of Performing and Visual Arts at the University of Southern Mississippi has held one large “boisterous festivity” filled…
2020: Retrospective
2020, Twenty-Twenty, Two Zero Two Zero, Dumpster Fire. There are a lot of different names for the previous year. I could write a book about it, and I’m fairly certain that there…